Sunday, July 22, 2018

Are you Kidding me!?

Getting your workout when you have young children? Just easier to wait until they're grown. Or not.
I've worked out at home for the majority of my 10 childbearing years. It wasn't until I was pregnant with number 5 that I started going to some classes at a gym.

What did I do at home? Anything!
My favorite thing is videos. Videos take the least amount of planning or thinking. Before, this would take an investment but now all this means finding your favorite YouTube channel or free app on the phone. I'm all about free. What do I do for workouts? I'll get back with you on that.

It's not all or nothing.
Just because you can't get a  30-60min sweat session in doesn't mean you can't get anything in. I have a few youtube favorites ranging from 3-10 min and then I have longer ones as well. How often do you waste 3 min? Checking facebook? picking your nose. daydreaming about vacation? You could have been doing a fantastic squat challenge and making your booty vacation ready!

For the most part, you make time for what's important to you. You make time to eat and go to the bathroom (yes, those are necessary) but what else do you make time for?
Get up just few minutes early. Get in 10 minutes while you wait for your coffee or bacon.

Squat while you watch tv.
With technology at our fingertips it makes getting fit that much easier-or harder, whatever you choose.  Yes, I'm desperate to relax at the end of the day, but I sleep much better if my body is burning. I love using my phone to watch workout videos while watching tv with my daughter.  I think it's a good example to her that I don't need to sit and veg in the evening and that there's always a way to get a work out in. Multi-tasking at it's best.

Early morning or late night not an option?
Naptime is my next go to but if that is not happening then I make it happen. They (the kids) figure it out. I typically have two rules when I'm working out: don't talk to me,and give me space. Those two rules are pretty hard to follow but striving for them helps. I usually end up with four talking and crawling on me.

If you cannot get alone to get your workout in THATS OKAY!
Having our children along is a good thing.  My tips:
-Give them their own space. You don't have to buy a yoga mat for everyone, just set out a towel or say "Spread out an arm's length."
-Make it optional. "Yes, you can workout with me but no talking."

Routine is the best way to make sure you get a workout in. My best success before I started going to the gym was to get the kids down to bed and then do a workout. It really works out well for me.
I've done it all. You just have to see what works out best for you and stick to it.
You're kids can make it without you for a while. You don't need to entertain them all the time.

Truth be told, you don't need to workout for hours. You need a good, heart pumping 10 minutes  where you think you might die and that will make all the difference in the world. If you can get anything else in, that's great! I LOVE when I can get some pilates in but my must do is my HiIT at least three times a week and three runs a week (two speed training and one longish run).  Everyone's life and day and goals are different. We're just looking to make each day better by being a healthier person. One day stronger, one day better.

What's your biggest challenge getting your workout in?

I was doing some ab workouts while talking to my daughter, the younger two decided to join!

I was on borrowed time. I worked out too long during naptime. She woke up and found me.

I wasn't even trying to workout, just scrub the floors!

Family walks, hikes and rides are the best way to get workouts in as a family!

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