Sunday, July 22, 2018

Best workout's for FREE

I mentioned in my last post that I love the free support we can get right in the palm of our hands (literally!). So here's my go to list:
*Most of these links take you to a video- I'm technologically challenged and it was easier this way.

Pilates at it's best
-She has such a fun personality. She has a workout calendar you can get for free on her blog-sign up for the emails.
-On her YouTube page, go to the "Playlist" section and you can find the workouts for that day and they will all just play in a row for you.
-She has great, FUN workouts ranging from 3 min to an hour long. I never thought I'd love Pilates so much but it is great for you- really works your core AND the leg workouts are very beneficial for runners.

30 Day Fat Burn Challenge
High Intensity Workouts
-These are all just 10 min workouts, the most equipment you'll need is some lightweight dumbells but soup cans or water bottles could work too.
-There is a calendar to follow but you're best off to google search the image otherwise I think you'll have to pay for it.

Fitness Blender
-This is a real great asset. Their library is VAST!
-Cute husband and wife duo! They both do videos and while they're very well done they're not lively, so I don't end up using them much.

I'm picky when it comes to yoga but here are three that I've enjoyed:
Ali - usually 30-60 min and a good mix of intensity.
Erin- very professional and a decent workout with some good balance challenges.
Adrienne- she is so laid back. She has some great technical stuff and a few heart pounding videos.
*My favorite yoga is vinyasa "power" yoga that is challenging with some holds but quick pace overall and lots of vinyasas. I hope this is a good starting point for you.

Don't forget your phone apps!
Youtube is not the only place to get great, free workouts. I have been using "Be Fit 21" for the last few months and I love it! I have modified most of the movements to be compound (adding in arms with legs for every movement to be most effective).  There's a long list but I've been so happy I haven't really looked much farther. If you feel like you need more guidance and don't know a move- google it!

I love using My Fitness Pal and Under Armour Record App

You also don't have to do a "workout" to excercise. Go swimming, take the kids to the park and play with them, family bike rides, family walks. Make your life one day better- as a family.

What's your favorite at home workout?

Here's my favorite workout spot.

Are you Kidding me!?

Getting your workout when you have young children? Just easier to wait until they're grown. Or not.
I've worked out at home for the majority of my 10 childbearing years. It wasn't until I was pregnant with number 5 that I started going to some classes at a gym.

What did I do at home? Anything!
My favorite thing is videos. Videos take the least amount of planning or thinking. Before, this would take an investment but now all this means finding your favorite YouTube channel or free app on the phone. I'm all about free. What do I do for workouts? I'll get back with you on that.

It's not all or nothing.
Just because you can't get a  30-60min sweat session in doesn't mean you can't get anything in. I have a few youtube favorites ranging from 3-10 min and then I have longer ones as well. How often do you waste 3 min? Checking facebook? picking your nose. daydreaming about vacation? You could have been doing a fantastic squat challenge and making your booty vacation ready!

For the most part, you make time for what's important to you. You make time to eat and go to the bathroom (yes, those are necessary) but what else do you make time for?
Get up just few minutes early. Get in 10 minutes while you wait for your coffee or bacon.

Squat while you watch tv.
With technology at our fingertips it makes getting fit that much easier-or harder, whatever you choose.  Yes, I'm desperate to relax at the end of the day, but I sleep much better if my body is burning. I love using my phone to watch workout videos while watching tv with my daughter.  I think it's a good example to her that I don't need to sit and veg in the evening and that there's always a way to get a work out in. Multi-tasking at it's best.

Early morning or late night not an option?
Naptime is my next go to but if that is not happening then I make it happen. They (the kids) figure it out. I typically have two rules when I'm working out: don't talk to me,and give me space. Those two rules are pretty hard to follow but striving for them helps. I usually end up with four talking and crawling on me.

If you cannot get alone to get your workout in THATS OKAY!
Having our children along is a good thing.  My tips:
-Give them their own space. You don't have to buy a yoga mat for everyone, just set out a towel or say "Spread out an arm's length."
-Make it optional. "Yes, you can workout with me but no talking."

Routine is the best way to make sure you get a workout in. My best success before I started going to the gym was to get the kids down to bed and then do a workout. It really works out well for me.
I've done it all. You just have to see what works out best for you and stick to it.
You're kids can make it without you for a while. You don't need to entertain them all the time.

Truth be told, you don't need to workout for hours. You need a good, heart pumping 10 minutes  where you think you might die and that will make all the difference in the world. If you can get anything else in, that's great! I LOVE when I can get some pilates in but my must do is my HiIT at least three times a week and three runs a week (two speed training and one longish run).  Everyone's life and day and goals are different. We're just looking to make each day better by being a healthier person. One day stronger, one day better.

What's your biggest challenge getting your workout in?

I was doing some ab workouts while talking to my daughter, the younger two decided to join!

I was on borrowed time. I worked out too long during naptime. She woke up and found me.

I wasn't even trying to workout, just scrub the floors!

Family walks, hikes and rides are the best way to get workouts in as a family!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sushi Saturdays

Sushi Saturdays!!

My husband and I tried sushi and really fell in love! We couldn't get enough! We were wanting to go out every weekend! Even though we were going to the small, cheap places at happy hour, it would add up fast if we continued in this fashion. I kept wanting to learn to make it but my husband wasn't sold on the idea. I showed him a tutorial on YouTube and how simple it looked-he came around. I ordered a kit on amazon which came with a bamboo mat, chopsticks, rice spoon and spreader (?). I started collecting all the food supplies and decided to just give it a whirl.

Important supplies for sushi,
Bamboo mat
Sushi Rice
Rice Vinegar
Choice fish (we get frozen tuna, this time we tried tempura shrimp from the freezer section)
Choice veggie (we always do cucumber and avocado-the only time my man likes avocado)
Soy sauce
Wasabi if you like it

*This time we also tried some crunchy onions on top! Still has to be better for you than the deep fried ones. There are gluten free options of those as well.
*Depending on what you want, we like the chili sauce for the spicy tuna
*We LOVE sriracha and spicy mayo

The sushi rice we bought has the sushi recipe and instructions on the bag.
We really like the spicy tuna and Alaska roll, so tuna is a great buy for us. When you cook tuna, you usually cook it pretty rare, so I figure the quality has to be pretty good across the board. That said, we buy the Sam's Choice frozen tuna filets from Walmart. One serving makes four rolls. I like to do two plain and two spicy. This time around my husband had a brilliant idea to look for some tempura shrimp. We were going to get some from Panda Express but it was to big and wrong batter. We checked the freezer section and there was a perfect option! I ended up using two shrimps per roll but that meant I could make six rolls per box and the box cost less than $8. Compare that to what you pay per roll at the store and it's a steal!  I just fried them up and let them cool a bit.

My biggest tip is to make the rice ahead of time and allow it to cool. I have a hard time thinking ahead some times!

Sake! We had started getting the sushi carry-out and buying a bottle of sake at the grocery store. It didn't feel right without the right drinkware, so I found a set on ebay. World Market does carry some but I didn't like my options.
Next, the sake: we had been picking up the cheapest bottle at the store, Walmart, Fry's, World Market- they all carry it. We found the BEST deal at Total Wine where we can get a double bottle for a dollar more, and it's better tasting. DEAL!
I heat the sake to 160 degrees and put it in a carafe until ready to serve. I just have to figure out how to make the sushi faster so Christian doesn't drink it all before the rolls are ready for it!

This last Saturday we decided to let you guys in on our action and did a time lapse video for you.

I love finding our favorite out food and making it at home. It helps me grow my culinary experience and save us some serious money.

We fed the kids while I made our sushi and we had a nice quiet(ish) dinner alone (kind of).

Let me know what your favorite sushi roll is!

***NOT all the attempts are picture perfect. Just roll with it!

 Keep Trying and enjoy!