Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 in a wrap

This year marks 13 years of marriage with my husband but we had a lot of firsts this year:

This was our first year in Arizona.
We had our quietest New Year's Eve ever (I know that technicaly wasn't this year...).
I had my warmest birthday ever and enjoyed my birthday dinner outside for the first time!
We got to enjoy Spring training of our favorite baseball team with autographs and photos (selfie with the GM!) to boot!
Christian and I ran our first race (5k) together.
We both placed for the first time. 
Went to Sedona and Flagstaff for the first time- beautiful.
Summer we stayed cool at the pool and the children became little fish.
Joy conquered the high dive.
Isaac finally became proficient at swimming, ventured to the diving board and then strutted his stuff on the high dive as well!
Jordan became quite a swimmer but his fear of heights kept him from the boards and slide.
Eden is starting to grow a mermaid's tail but needs some more practice. She, for the first time, enthusiastically plunges her face below water. 
Maggie is coming along and I'm sure will do great things.
Our growth at the pool came in handy for our family's first beach camping.
These kids can be so adventurous and new things did not hold them back.
They boogie boarded for the first time and did great!
First time to the Hoover Dam.
Made sushi for the first time ever!
We traded in the side by side for bikes for the family and everyone took to it! Both Jordan and even Eden ride well without any training wheels. Maggie enjoys sitting in the trailer still.
This fall we were blessed to go and visit family back home. 
Most of our family were meeting Maggie for the first time!
We returned home just in time for me to run in my first Marathon! What an experience.

We had a stellar year and I'm excited to see what 2019 has in store for our family.